An appraisal may be just what you need to get that property sold QUICK while still maximizing your PROFIT! Overpricing (and underpricing) can be risky!

The Acadiana real estate market has seen massive changes over the past few months. Appraisers study the market closely and can provide valuable information for your specific property.

New listings get lots of attention in the beginning. Potential buyers tend to ignore properties priced too high.

“Zestimates” and other online pricing tools have proven time and time again to be inaccurate.

A buyer’s mortgage lender will likely require its own appraisal after a contract price has been negotiated. If the property appraises for less than the contract price, the deal may fall through or additional negotiations may be needed.

Appraisals can serve as a great marketing tools. Buyers value an unbiased third party’s opinion.

A private appraisal is confidential. As the client, you may chose whether or not to disclose the details of the appraisal. You will feel more confident during price negotiations knowing how the market values your property.
An appraisal is a one-time investment that can pay big dividends!
Let us know if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment for an appraisal of your home or property!